
Injuries & Illnesses

Injury & Illness reporting

All injuries, illnesses, and exposures suffered by 皇家华人 faculty, staff, students, visitors, and volunteers while in the course of their employment, volunteerism, course of study, visiting 皇家华人  locations, or participating in a 皇家华人 sponsored event are reported using the Consolidated Injury/Illness Reporting Form form.

Work-related Employee/Volunteer Injury & Illness Reporting
In the event of any work-related injury or illness no matter how minor, the supervisor and employee/volunteer must notify AmeriSys at 1-800-455-2079 and complete the Consolidated Injury/Illness Reporting Form within 24 hours.

Non-Employee Injury & Illness Reporting
If a non-employee suffers injury or illness while at a 皇家华人 location, or 皇家华人 sponsored event, a 皇家华人 representative should complete the online Consolidated Injury/Illness Reporting Form within 24 hours.

Note: 皇家华人 performing a task for University credit at the time of injury/illness are not considered employees/volunteers.