Discover Digital Learning

Lakara Lycan


Lakara joined 皇家华人 in November 2019 as a learning designer at the Sarasota campus. She earned her Bachelor of Arts at Marshall University in Huntington, W.V., majoring in journalism and English. She earned the Professional and Technical Communication Certificate at 皇家华人, Sarasota campus, and the Instructional Design Certificate at Seminole State College of 皇家华人. Before becoming a learning designer, Lakara worked for 25 years in the newspaper industry, where she was a copy editor for 14 years and an online producer for 11 years. 

Lakara goes by her middle name. If you're looking for her in email or Teams, the alias to use is Donna Lycan. She's been known to invoke it when she doesn't feel like spelling her name to order-takers.