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Floating with Gas to Save Lives
About 10 lives are lost each day to unintentional drowning in the United States, but a newly-patented technology developed in a Chemical and Biomedical Engineering senior capstone class may lead to personal flotation products that can enhance safety in the water.
November 20, 2019Research and Innovation
Making Microbes that Transform Greenhouse Gases
Researchers at the University of South »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË are harnessing the power of human physiology to transform greenhouse gases into usable chemical compounds – a method that could help lessen industrial dependence on petroleum and reduce our carbon footprint.
August 13, 2019Research and Innovation
An Unnatural Way to Make Natural Products
From medicine to fragrances, nature provides many of the key chemical compounds needed in an endless number of pharmaceuticals and consumer products. Now, a cutting-edge technique engineered by researchers at University of South »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË is changing the way scientists isolate these precious molecules.
June 11, 2019Research and Innovation