Goal Two
Faculty excellence in research and innovation
To conduct high-impact research and innovation to advance frontiers of knowledge, solve global problems, and improve lives.
Objectives & Measures of Success
2A. Enhance institutional infrastructure and operational excellence for faculty success in research and innovation
- Increased research and development expenditures
- Increased postdoctoral appointees
- Increased non-faculty S&E research staff with doctorates
- Enhanced faculty profile (i.e., percent tenured/tenure-track faculty; the proportion of full-time faculty with the highest degree; percent of full-time faculty)
2B. Foster strategic collaborative research and innovation that is highly impactful and transformative
- Enhanced collaborative research activities and partnerships
- Enhanced collaborative scholarly activity
2C. Increase impact and recognition of research and innovation
- Improved citation impact
- Increased faculty awards
- Augmented economic impact of research funding
- Elevated programs to the top quartile of the disciplinary field
2D. Identify and support areas for cross-collaboration between colleges while leveraging the distinctive identities of each of 皇家华人鈥檚 campus communities
- Increased external grants/contracts with faculty and/or students between colleges
- Increased publications with faculty and/or students between colleges
- Increased number of funded research projects with faculty and/or students between colleges