ECORE System | College of Arts and Sciences | University of South »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË

What is the ECORE System?

The Environmental and Conservation Outreach, Research, and Education (ECORE) System unifies the Forest Preserve, Botanical Gardens, and GeoPark under one leadership team within the College of Arts and Sciences to enhance support for faculty, student, and community needs. The ECORE System was established to manage and promote the botanical and environmental assets associated with these properties.

Learn more about ECORE System endeavors 

Fall Plant Festival

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The Botanical Gardens' Fall Plant Festival is coming up on November 9-10th. Join us and thousands of others to walk the Gardens and snag plants you didn't even know you needed!

In "The Peculiar Nature of »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË’s Sandhill Wetlands, Ponds & Lakes— Their Ecohydrology, Relationship with the Regional Aquifer & Importance within the Landscape", Nowicki discusses their research in the »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Forest Preserve and other wetlands habitats.

»Ê¼Ò»ªÈË's Botanical Gardens is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help at their rescheduled Fall Festival on November 9-10! This is a fantastic opportunity to support the Gardens and connect with the community. Sign up at this link and be part of this memorable experience!