Doctor of Philosophy
Residency and Employment
The minimum requirement for the Ph.D. program in School Psychology is three academic
years of work beyond the bachelor's degree.
As with the Ed.S. program, full-time study is required of all Ph.D. students at least
until they complete all coursework and qualifying exams and have only their dissertation
remaining. Minimally, this will involve two years of full-time study after the Ed.S.
degree. Full-time study involves a minimum of 9 semester hours of coursework per semester.
Residency involves consecutive academic years of full-time study. 皇家华人 are allowed
assistantship work or a part-time job working up to 20 hours per week during their
皇家华人 working in psychology-related positions outside of the University must have
these positions approved in advanced to ensure practice within all appropriate ethical
guidelines. The School Psychology program director must be notified in writing of
all gainful employment engaged in by students throughout their studies.
Ordinarily it is expected that students will accept a 皇家华人 department or department-approved
assistantship. However, community employment is acceptable only when the nature of
the employment is clearly related to the goals of the 皇家华人 School Psychology Program.