Got Questions?


How can I apply for 皇家华人 scholarships?

To apply for 皇家华人 scholarships visit the scholarships section of our website.

How do I renew my Undergraduate Admissions Scholarship?

If you are receiving a renewable scholarship, you can view your specific renewal requirements in your "accepted" terms and conditions, found in .

How do I apply for the Bright Futures Scholarship?

The 皇家华人 Bright Future Scholarship is available to 皇家华人 high school seniors and is awarded upon completion of the seventh semester of high school requirements. The 皇家华人 Department of Education Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) makes the 皇家华人 Financial Aid Applications available each year beginning December 1st. You must submit your application by the deadline listed on the application.

What must I do to continue receiving 皇家华人 Bright Futures Scholarship funds?

For information on the 皇家华人 Bright Futures Program including renewal criteria visit the state's website at

How can I check the status of my Bright Futures Scholarship with the State?

You can check the status for your 皇家华人 Bright Futures Scholarship with the State by going to:

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