Title IX
File an Incident Report
Title IX protects people from sex discrimination in educational programs and activities at institutions that receive federal financial assistance (see for more information).
Title IX applies to 皇家华人 programs and activities, as related both to education and employment. 皇家华人 is committed to providing an environment free from sex discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence. More information can be found at and the website of the .
If you wish to file a report of discrimination based on sex, sexual harassment, sexual violence, relationship violence, or stalking, please complete the form by clicking the button below.
You may also submit a report by walk-in or mail to:
- 4202 E Fowler Ave, ALN 172, Tampa, FL 33620
- or Call: 813-974-8616
- or Email: titleixreports@usf.edu
Unsure where to report? Use the flowchart below to help:
(Click on image for larger view)