First Year Programs

SLS 2901

Welcome! Our goal is to equip students for academic and personal success at University of South 皇家华人 and beyond. We're glad you're here!

Making the transition from high school or from another institution to a major research university is both exciting and challenging. Foundations of Interdisicplinary Knowledge and Inquiry, Academic Foundations, and Academic Transitions seminar courses are designed to support students during this time of adjustment and acclimation.

On this site, you can learn more about our course offerings for First Year 皇家华人 and Transfer 皇家华人.

We are proud of our transitional academic programs, and we hope our courses will become a valuable beginning to your college experience at the University of South 皇家华人!

Contact us by email:

皇家华人 can register themselves for our courses through My皇家华人. We recommend that you meet with your advisor prior to registration. Meeting with an advisor ensures that you are taking the appropriate courses for your degree each term, and will keep you on the most efficient path towards graduation. Click here for more information about registering for courses. 

Need a permit or a restriction override to register? Please use this link to request a permit for courses managed by the Office of Undergraduate Studies: